Studio Gri Fare
-- epic emigration to Cyberland

Presentation Page About Armagan Tekdoner

A web coding showcase intended for industry professionals

I believe in Web.

⇓ Point at the PHP code below to reveal the subtitle.

<?php echo $h2; ?>

Sarcastic warning This website does not contain one single AI-generated sentence.

The remaining portion of our lives will be more and more web-based. Wall Street has already been dwarfed as a financial district by the Web. The Web is the new research and development centre that overshadows CERN now. Humankind spends more time on the Internet than the time it allocates to physical tasks. I think even the future battlegrounds will be on the Web.

Besides, the Web is neither a scarce resource, nor a zero-sum game. The Web can enrich everyone's life without impoverishing others' lives: let us share and enjoy the Web altogether.

I am an open source person and think that the more we share what we know, the more resources we will have to learn from. It is unconditionally free to copy and use all codes I publish here: claiming copyright for something I did not invent, simply does not make sense to me.

Thanks for going through this website,
Armagan Tekdoner, Web Developer

Technical evaluation of this page

Considering this is primarily a desktop showcase, find out what
(Please copy the URL of this page you have in the address bar and paste it on Google's PageSpeed Insights to test.)

Screenshot showing the results from Google's PageSpeed Insights scoring 100% in performance, accessibility, best practices, and SEO criteria
These are the scores that you will see if you test this page using Google's PageSpeed Insights

A study on file extensions

My son Ege, July 2005
An image file working as an html file when saved as html

Here is a hat trick to enjoy. There is a password in the above picture. Save the picture first locally.

  1. Choose "save image as..." (The location to save it will open)
  2. After having saved it, edit the existing file extension .jpg as .html
  3. Save it
  4. Double click on the file you saved and your default browser will open, to show you the password